Go to the Point Pleasant Home Page Located in Ken's Landing
Captain Ken Keller & Captain John Hawryluk
Deep Sea Fishing
Captain Ken Keller
& Captain John Hawryluk

docked at
Ken's Landing
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
Call, Fax or Email us
Boat (732) 899-8868
Dock (732) 899-5491
& (732) 892-9787
Capt Ken
(732) 477-6441
Capt John
(732) 899-5656
Fax (732) 262-9346
Email NormaK123@aol.com
Website www.NormaK.com
Inspected & Certified for Safety
US Coast Guard Inspected & Certified for Safety
Gladly Accepted

Frequently Asked Questions about our trips

Gift Certificates? Click Here
"First Boat in the Fleet"
Photo taken on 7/5/01

95 feet long - 5 minutes from the Atlantic
The Norma-K III is the centerpiece of the Ken's Landing Fishing Fleet. Tired of long rides before you even get to the ocean? Sail with us we are 5 minutes from the ocean. NO BRIDGES TO WAIT FOR! This all means more fishing less riding!
" New Jersey Fishing since 1934 "
Special "Magic Hours" Saturday & Sunday afternoons
Hours of Operation
Trip Dates Leaves Arrives
3/4 Day Sept - May 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Magic Hours Saturday & Sunday 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Full Day Oct - May Every Monday 6:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
or later depending upon the bite
Mackerel Trips Dec/Jan & April runs
when running
call ahead for mackerel info
8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Clean Mens & Womens Restrooms Available
Full Galley & Cold Drinks Available

Gift Certificates Available
Gift Certificates, Senior & Child Discounts

Go Fishing on the Norma K III
  • Clean & Comfortable Fishing
  • We supply the Bait
  • Quick & Easy ride to the fishing grounds
  • Courteous Service from the crew
  • Optional Largest Fish Pool
  • Snacks & Cold Drinks
  • Clean Men's & Women's Restrooms
  • Tackle & Rigs available
  • Rental Poles available
  • Fish Cleaning Service

Hot food , coffee & cold drinks

Expert Fisherman & Captain
Captain Ken Keller
Captain Ken Keller
Captain Ken is one of the area's most well respected Captains & a life long fisherman in New Jersey. Let his experience work for you as he navigates the Norma-K III to the well known areas, and his personal "secret" spots. Customer satisfaction is what fishing with Captain Ken & Captain John, is all about.

Clean, Fast & Comfortable!  The cabin area is always clean & comfortable
Plenty of room for your gear during your half day trip. Relax on the ride in and out, and in between fishing spots. Have a drink or a snack, and then get back to the fishing.

Take a trip on the Norma K III
The months are an approximation based on a typical year.

Chart Key
Scheduled Trip
Reservations Only
Only when fish are biting
Trip Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Winter Flounder
Bottom Fishing
Blackfish (Mondays)
Fireworks Cruise
Trip Details
Trip Dates Day Leaves Arrives
Winter Flounder
on the Norma K II
Mar 1 - May Everyday 8:00 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. until 12:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Fluke In Season (Summer) Morning Trips 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Fluke In Season (Summer) Afternoon Trips 2:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Bluefish May - Nov Evening Trips 7:30 p.m. until 12:30 a.m.
(when running)
Dec/Jan & Apr 1/2 or 3/4 day
call ahead for Mackerel info
8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Bottom Fishing Sept - May Everyday 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Magic Hours Bottom Fishing Sept - May Sat & Sun 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Blackfish Sept - May Every Monday 6:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
or later depending upon the bite
What to Bring
  • If there is anything you need for fishing we have it on board

  • Make sure the line on your reels is in good condition and not frayed or twisted

  • We have snacks & drinks onboard

  • Make sure your drag is set properly, so you can set the hook on a strike

Fishing Trips
  • Sunscreen, Sunglasses
  • Rain gear if it's raining- be prepared and don't get caught standing in the rain
  • Hat, Clean T-Shirt, Jacket & Gloves - we sell Norma-K III Hats, T-Shirts & Sweatshirts aboard.
  • Rag for your hands
  • Camera, Film & Batteries - Get it all on film!
  • 1 Rod & Reel (also available onboard for rental) - we recommend spinning or baitcasting outfits in the 15 lb class & 15 or 20 lb test, for Fluke, Flounder & Weaks.
    Bring an extra rod, but you can only fish one at a time.
  • Terminal Tackle(available on board) - Fluke Rigs of any type, many rigs available at Alex's Bait & Tackle
Fireworks Cruise
  • Friends & Family
  • Pair of Binoculars
  • Cameras & Video Cameras
What NOT to Bring
  • NO Illegal Drugs - we have a ZERO tolerance and enforce maritime law for the possesion or use of illicit drugs
  • NO Hard Liquor or Drunkeness - Cans of Beer OK, must be 21 or over
  • NO Excessive Amounts of Beer - A couple is just fine

About our Fishing Trips
Targeted Species Description of Trip
Fluke Fishing
Big pool winner
Nice big pool winning Fluke
" Fluke - Fluke - Fluke "

Our Half Day Fluke fishing trips put you right on fish just a short ride from the Point Pleasant Inlet, giving you the maximum time fishing. When the beaches along Point Pleasant Beach are loaded with fluke, the Norma-K gives you a great opportunity to get your limit.

Our crew will offer to clean your fish on the way back home.

Great day of Fluke Fishing on the Norma K III
Winter Flounder

" Manasquan River Flounder "

Every November and March the Winter Flounder stack up in the sheltered waters of the Manasquan River. The Norma-K takes you to where they are at. The river holds fish for most of the season and Captain Ken & Captain John know exactly when to target this tasty & fun fighting species. We will supply clams for bait. Bloodworms and Sandworms will not be provided. If you think you may want to use them for bait please get them before you come over at Alex's Bait & Tackle right on Inlet Drive.

We break fresh whole clams into pieces when we chum for flounder
Winter Mackerel
Like Fishing in a Barrel
Jigging for Mackerel
" Like Fishing in a Barrel! "

The mackerel move North in the Spring and South in the Winter. This gives us two seasons when we are able to catch mackerel. The length of the season depends upon their migration pattern. Some years they are in a hurry to move, other years they will tend to stay in our local area for about a month.

Our crew will offer to clean your fish on the way back home.
Bottom Fishing
9 pound Ling
" Mud Hole Bottom Fishing "

Fishing for ling, sea bass, pollock and cod - This is by far the best fishing to be had in our local area during the winter months. The ling bite best in the afternoon and evening, so we schedule our trips around the fishes natural activity. Early in the season the sea bass fishing is excellent. As the water gets colder the sea bass leave our area and the ling become quite abundant. A few nice cod and pollock add to the winter mix and round out our winter picture. These special trips are weather sensitive so please call the night before for further information. Despite the excellent fishing, the time of year leaves these trips UNCROWDED. If you are serious about catching fish and have not been able to make a 3PM-9PM trip, give the "Magic Hours" trip a try. You will not be disappointed.

Fresh Clams & Green Crabs available for bait.
Chumming for Blues
Pair of 17 pound blues
Pair of 17 pounders
" Night Blues "

If you would like to sail with the best boat and the best crew, we would love to have you aboard. Our experienced crew has many years behind them and they get the job done when the slammers are raging. Just because the summer is over doesn't mean the bluefishing is over, we sail every night all fall.

Night Bluefish trips begin MID MAY!
We also sail weekends through November!
7:30pm - 12:30am

Fresh Chum and Fresh Bunker make the difference

Nearby Marinas
Boston Whaler, Capr Craft, Evinrude, Johnson, Mercury & Yamaha

More Info - Click Here

Click Here to go to Alex's
All the Information the Fisherman Needs - Click Here
Click Here to go to the Point Pleasant Beach Website
PointPleasantBeach.com - Click Here
Click Here to go to the Point Pleasant Beach Website
Tom's River - Click Here
in Nearby Seaside Park

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